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jim paire07-May-2012 19:52
Thank you for the kind words on three of my pictures. jim
Ilda Coelho 06-Mar-2009 12:43
Quando perguntámos ao poeta quem ou que momento o tinha inspirado ele indicou-nos o caminho: e vimos.
On the threshold of a dream. Muito devem agradecer os Moody Blues por se verem lembrados de tal modo.
Tomás e Ilda Coelho
Pawel01-Oct-2008 08:50
Thak you for your's visit. You heve nice galleries, be remember to visit you again.
Keep well, Pawel :)
Photodelles15-Sep-2008 11:25
J'aime beaucoup votre travail, de magnifiques compositions, bravo pour tout cela.

Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma08-Nov-2007 19:46
Everithing but simple... remarkable work. I´ll keep on visiting !
Kal Khogali03-Apr-2007 10:29
Just an amateur, well then, it would appear the stakes for proffessionals have just been raised. Your style is personal, human and ditinct, and above all lucid. I mean by that, that it is thoughtful....yes, full of thought, and that has meaning.K
Guest 13-Dec-2006 19:45
Raul meu velho amigo, a tua galeria está fantástica. Um abraço do paquito.
Rita Menezes 23-Mar-2006 22:03
Simplesmente excepcional! Parabéns!
Galina Stepanova16-Feb-2006 22:18
Every time I open you galleries, Raul, I feel like I do not know enough words to express my admiration. Your pictures awake emotions and thoughts, the best what art can do.
With respect,
Dias dos Reis24-Jan-2006 10:49
Muito bom trabalho!
F Rim12-Jan-2006 02:41
What a wonderful set of images, this was my first visit and I cannot wait to come back.

The diverse nature of the subjects and the styles used in your images that go from minimal to complex, whimsical, sensitive, clear, blurred and more combined with the high quality of your photos make your work amazing.

F Rim (Ephram)
Paul Teixeira09-Jan-2006 17:18
Raul, you've got 'the eye'. It's a pleasure looking at your work. I've added you to my favorites and will be returning every now and then!

Best regards,
Paul Teixeira
...duncan13-Oct-2005 22:12
Thanks for the compliment on my galleries. I appreciate it. You have an eye for photography that does not say amateur. Your portraits are suberb. My compliments on your work.

Felipe Rodríguez27-Jul-2005 13:44
"Muchas gracias por tus amables comentarios a tus fotos", quiero decir "a mis fotos", claro!
Felipe Rodríguez27-Jul-2005 13:42
Hola, Raul

Muchas gracias por tus amables comentarios a tus fotos. Realmente en photosig llegó a reunirse una gran cantidad de talento fotográfico que luego no he visto tan concentrado en ningún otro sitio de internet. Lástima que todo en la red sea tan efímero y cambiante...

He estado disfrutando mucho con tus fotos. Espero poder ir comentando concretamente aquellas que más me atraigan, cuando encuentre algo de tiempo.


Galina Stepanova16-Jul-2005 21:55
Raul, I had a great time looking thought your pictures. Exceptional variety and quality, great beauty and spirit. Adding you to my list of favorite artists and looking forward for new works.
My compliments and best wishes,
Manfred Bachmann27-Jun-2005 20:32
Hi Raul!
Could it be we know us from Photopoints or Photosig....i don´t know, but i´m sure i have seen some of your excellent pictures on a other site! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment in my guestbook, it´s also a pleasure for me to see you and your fantastic work here on Pbase!
See you again
Ana Carloto O'Shea28-May-2005 18:54
Obrigado por teres passado pelas minhas galerias. Os teus comentários foram muito importantes para mim.
Mais uma vez deixo-te os meus parabéns pelos teus excelentes trabalhos. Vai ser sempre um prazer voltar aqui!
Pedro Libório17-Apr-2005 18:37
Olá grande Raul, espero que encontres aqui um espaço de tranquilidade...para mim tem sido ...estou há mais de um ano aqui e nunca me chateei ...pelo menos até agora...
espero que as tuas fotos venham que vi até agora adorei!
Um abraço.
Guest 15-Apr-2005 10:01
Estou de saída mas já meti o seu nome na lista dos amigos. Depois apareço nas suas galerias. Já vi lá uma boa de duas freiras mas voltarei com tempo.
Um abraço.