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Pictures Some Days (PSDs)
:: Pictures Some Days (PSDs) ::
On This Date Through Time
:: On This Date Through Time ::
:: Three ::
People - Mostly one at a time
:: People - Mostly one at a time ::
Working for a Living
:: Working for a Living ::
Flowers & Botanicals
:: Flowers & Botanicals ::
Flowers in the Wild
:: Flowers in the Wild ::
Fungi and Such
:: Fungi and Such ::
Insects and Associates
:: Insects and Associates ::
:: Colors ::
:: Monochromes ::
:: Abstractions ::
:: Aberrations ::
Portals, Doors and Windows
:: Portals, Doors and Windows ::
Inside Looking Out
:: Inside Looking Out ::
:: Theatre ::
Pendleton Cafe & Coffees Co. Exhibit - January 2006
:: Pendleton Cafe & Coffees Co. Exhibit - January 2006 ::
John Acorn - Lee Gallery Exhibit
:: John Acorn - Lee Gallery Exhibit ::
:: Submitted ::
John C. Campbell Folk School
:: John C. Campbell Folk School ::
Campbell Folk School Photography Display - June 2022
:: Campbell Folk School Photography Display - June 2022 ::
Family Images
:: Family Images ::
Gene Wood
:: Gene Wood ::
Food and Drink
:: Food and Drink ::
Van Gogh Immersive Exhibit
:: Van Gogh Immersive Exhibit ::
Living in South Carolina US
:: Living in South Carolina US ::
Maryland, US
:: Maryland, US ::
Delaware, US
:: Delaware, US ::
Virginia, US
:: Virginia, US ::
West Virginia
:: West Virginia ::
:: Massachusetts ::
Eastern Iowa
:: Eastern Iowa ::
Georgia US
:: Georgia US ::
Madison, Wisconson
:: Madison, Wisconson ::
Connecticut US
:: Connecticut US ::
Cities and Other Places
:: Cities and Other Places ::
Eclipse 2017
:: Eclipse 2017 ::
Mexico - Yucatan Peninsula
:: Mexico - Yucatan Peninsula ::
Puerto Rico
:: Puerto Rico ::
Commonwealth of Dominica, W.I. - 2009
:: Commonwealth of Dominica, W.I. - 2009 ::
Switzerland 2014
:: Switzerland 2014 ::
Italy 2014
:: Italy 2014 ::
CUBA - 2017
:: CUBA - 2017 ::
India 2017
:: India 2017 ::
Morocco - 2019
:: Morocco - 2019 ::
Utah - 2015; 2019
:: Utah - 2015; 2019 ::
Ireland - June 2022
:: Ireland - June 2022 ::
Scotland - June 2022
:: Scotland - June 2022 ::
Malaysia on Borneo - Sabah and Sarawak
:: Malaysia on Borneo - Sabah and Sarawak ::
Oregon, US
:: Oregon, US ::