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Guest 04-Feb-2011 12:17
Hi Adrian, Are you interested in working as a freelance assistant?
Jane 27-Jan-2011 13:13
email is
Jane Geran 27-Jan-2011 13:12
Hi Adrian

keen to feature your levinsky building photo in the Plymouth Visitors Guide.

We would like to be able to use it in the guide and also digitally in a downloable version of the guide (downloadble form VisitPlymouth and VisitDevon).

The Guide is the flagship marketing vehicle for Plymouth and will go out to tourism centres and globally to promote the area, so one would hope it may spark some interest in your photography!

Let me know what you think.
Guest 18-Feb-2008 12:50
I'm amazed what a great pictures you shot with the 35mm. Bravo! youmust be quit satisfied with it!
Guest 19-Jun-2007 18:04
Pbase needs more galleries like yours.
Guest 02-Jun-2007 22:51
i've wandered through many of your galleries..had a great time..
Guest 14-Nov-2006 04:54
Looks like you're really enjoying your new lenses; kudos on the purchase! I'm betting you're really liking the 85 1.4 (judging from your last few shots, I'd say you are). Next, a tripod! I wish I could offer insight here, but I've got none. If you're having trouble with handholding in the Cheddar caves, though, that's where I'd go next. I'm going there because I want to take shots of the ocean with the waves all blurred together, and a tripod is necessary for that.
Guest 31-Oct-2006 00:14
Hi Adrian,
To respond to your comment in my guestbook, the 50 and 85 primes do two things a bit better than the 17-55:
1) much closer depth of field (which can also be a killer if you're not careful, but can produce _gorgeous_ images)
2) much less obtrusive in a party (like my most recent images), and with the extra stop of light, still usable and focusable with just room lights.

My 17-55 is my walkaround lens; my 50 prime is for parties, and my 85 is for when I want to challenge myself to shoot a bit longer. As for the price, go used; I got my 50 mm 1.4 used for a fraction of the cost of a new lens, and it works flawlessly.