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Pentax Optio E10 Digital Camera Sample Photos

g4/87/331787/3/64089085.KpYte5v7.jpgg4/87/331787/3/64089086.J9EcrlSJ.jpgg4/87/331787/3/64089087.WWb1J8pQ.jpgg4/87/331787/3/64089088.eh5tyNle.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 03-Jan-2006
Lens Mount: Fixed
Lens: 5.5-16.5mm f/2.8-4.8
Megapixels: 6
Random Pentax Optio E10 Samples from 281 available Photos more
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Monte Dodge21-Sep-2006 07:58
Update On My first post.. Well now that I have used this a bunch, I must say that the 200 ISo on this camera is very noisy. If fact I bought a Canon 710IS to replace it. The canons 800ISO has less noise than 200 ISO on this Pentax. So if you have enough light and stay at 100 ISO in program settings, this will be OK. The macro mode is next to useless and I don't see much dif between Macro and non- macro setting. With the back LED screen on at all times, it sucks up batteries and you must use Lith. bats. as Alka. batteries don't last long. This may be a good camera if you can get it cheap. I did blow up a Photoshop 4 treated large file photo from this with my Espon 1800 printer to 13 by 19 and it turned out quite good. Focus can be " Iffy" if the light is going so this is really a daylight camera.
Monte Dodge24-Aug-2006 07:46
Nice light camera and good for the money. Does a decent job on AVI movies as well and the sound is quite good surprizingly!! Camera is sold as an entry camera and does an OK job in the " Green " mode, but your photos will be much better if you take time to use the right setting for the photo. ( All this coming from a Canon 5D user with a few " L " lens) Good pack around camera that you won't even know is there and 6 Megs to boot!!

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