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Profile for Christina Craft
Name Christina Craft (joined 19-Aug-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username ccraft
Personal URL
Location Victoria BC
Victoria BC
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View Galleries : Christina Craft has 123 galleries and 2520 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 4713702 times.

View Guestbook : 267 messages. Most recent on 30-Jul-2013.

Message from Christina Craft
Thank you for visiting my galleries. You can find out what I'm up to by visiting my Photography Blog

I recently moved to Vancouver Island in British Columbia where the opportunities for photography are outstanding. I specialize in wildlife and nature photography and especially love shooting animals in their natural environment. Thank you to those who have left me feedback or voted on one of my images. It's always great to hear from other photographers on PBASE.

After working as a PR and communications writer for over 10 years, I quit a pretty good job to pursue my passion full time. You can find my commercial work at two addresses:
Wedding Photography Victoria B.C. and The Nature Stock Photography Library. You can purchase prints, royalty free and rights managed licenses at the Nature Stock Photography Library.

About Vancouver Island
I do admit, I'm a huge fan of my new home. At 32,134 square kilometers (12,407 square miles), Vancouver Island is the largest island on the western side of the Americas --it's about the same size of Holland.

Much of the island is untamed wilderness - home to cougar, wolves, bear, deer, elk and eagles. The surrounding sea is known for its whales, dolphins, otters, seals and salmon.

Victoria (population 300,000) is the largest city on the island. We are located in the sub-Mediterranean zone, and enjoy some of the most moderate weather in all of Canada -- boasting an average of 2,183 hours of sunshine yearly, and an eight-month frost-free season. Average annual rainfall is 26.2 inches (compared to over 50 inches in New York).

We rarely get snow. In fact, last year we had only two days of snow that melted almost as soon as it hit the ground. We even had to mow the lawn in January. The city celebrates its mild climate with an "annual flower count day" in February. This winter, 4.8 billion flowers were reported by residents who count the blooms in their yards.

The island is tucked against the mainland coast of British Columbia and the north shore of Washington State's Olympic Peninsula. There are 48 regional, provincial and federal parks in Greater Victoria, totaling more than 7,600 hectares (22,724 acres).

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