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Photography by Leslie Cohelan          

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All Images Copyright Leslie Cohelan

Hummingbirds,Wildlife,Nature and Flowers ...are just a few of my favorites
to photograph.

Using a camera for me is a method of discovery where through the lens some amazing things happen. I can observe intimate moments and freeze a slice of time. It is the result of patience, observation of the subject and waiting for the right moment to release the shutter. I have always had a connection to animals and birds and have always loved flowers; they eventually opened my eyes to the rest of the world, be it rainbows, mountains or street scenes. I use Adobe Lightroom and Adobe PS as my editing tools; I can then achieve the highest quality for Fine Art Prints using archival inks with only the highest quality paper.

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Travel and Scenic
Travel and Scenic
Photo Art
Photo Art
Cards, Calendars and Books
Cards, Calendars and Books
And Everything Else
And Everything Else