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Marc Martineau | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Marc Martineau
Name Marc Martineau (joined 07-Jun-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username marc_martineau
Personal URL
Location Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
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View Galleries : Marc Martineau has 30 galleries and 621 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 369905 times.

View Guestbook : 30 messages. Most recent on 17-May-2015.

Message from Marc Martineau
Hi !

First of all, a warm welcome to my site !

I will share with you my passion for photography. My main work is bird, nature and landscape and infrared photography, not to forget also macrophotography.

I switched directly from manual focus (Nikon F3HP ans some others...) to digital without bridging with film autofocus ! The curve was tough for me after 28 years of loyalty to film.

Started with a D70 and manual focus lenses, I did understand that I needed to switch to autofocus pretty quickly ! And then I traded my D70 for a D200 with MB-D200 ! What a move that I don't regret ! Since then, I added some very sharp Sigma lenses and the fabulous Nikkor 70-200 VR.
Plus, I had the opportunity, from one of my friend, to buy a used D2X. What a camera ! I also traded a barely used D50 with my old but in great shape Nikkor 80-200 f:2.8 AF-D ; then sold it and bought a D70s used that had only 350 shots ! I will use it primarily for infrared shots with a Cokin 007 filter and as a point and shoot camera for family and traveling...

I now use a D800E ; a pure JEWEL ! The images that comes out of this camera are absolutely TERREFIC !

Now my material consists of :

Nikon D800E
Nikon D3s
Nikon D2x
Nikkor 16-35 f:4.0 D IF-ED AF-S VR N
Nikkor 24-120f:4G ED AF-S VR N
Nikkor 50mm f:1.4G AF-S
Nikkor 85mm f:1.4G AF-S N
Nikkor 105mm micro f:2.8 D ED AF-S VR N
Nikkor 70-200 f:2.8 AF-S VR II
Nikkor 300mm f:4 E PF ED AF-S VR N
Nikkor 300mm f:2.8 AF-S VR
Nikkor 600mm f:4.0 ED IF AF-S II VR N
Nikkor TC 1.4 EIII
Nikkor TC 1.7 EII
Nikkor TC 2.0 EIII
Nikon Sb-800, SB-900 and SB-910 flash with Better Beamer
Manfrotto 681B Monopod
Gitzo 1325 Carbon Fiber tripod
Wimberley WH-100 tripod head, M3-M5 flash bracket, P30 plate and AP452 Wimberley Replacement Foot for Nikkor 600mm VR
Lexar, Sandisk, PNY, Simple Tech and ProMax ATP digital film
Cokin 007 infrared filter
Cokin Linear polarizer
MacPro for computer post processing and RAID system for backups
Nikon Capture and View NX2, Adobe Lightroom, NIK software suite Complete Edition, Photomatix Pro and Adobe Photoshop CS3, CS4 and CS5, Apple Aperture. All original versions.

Thanks very much for visiting my site ! Don't be shy to leave constructive comments !
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