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Coleen Perilloux Landry's Recent Galleries

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22-Jan-2025 11:58
 Picture a Day
::  Picture a Day ::
19-Aug-2024 14:46
Art in Bloom
:: Art in Bloom ::
17-Mar-2024 17:54
Louisiana's Great River Road Gallery
:: Louisiana's Great River Road Gallery ::
19-Apr-2021 13:51
Bonnet Carre' Spillway  in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana Gallery
:: Bonnet Carre' Spillway in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana Gallery ::
11-Dec-2020 20:18
My Louisiana Gallery
:: My Louisiana Gallery ::
23-Apr-2020 16:19
Birds in Louisiana
:: Birds in Louisiana ::
21-Aug-2018 03:09
Graine a Voler
:: Graine a Voler ::
21-Aug-2018 03:09
Graine a voler or Seeds that Fly
:: Graine a voler or Seeds that Fly ::
15-Jun-2018 19:39
Holy Cross After Hurricane Katrina Gallery
:: Holy Cross After Hurricane Katrina Gallery ::
21-Feb-2018 22:51
 Beauty of the Wetlands and our Need to Preserve It Gallery
::  Beauty of the Wetlands and our Need to Preserve It Gallery ::
26-Jan-2018 12:37
:: january__2018 ::
26-Dec-2017 04:24
:: may-december_2017 ::