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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails





The pictures shown on this site are made by Ton, Ben and Rob Nagtegaal. Although most pictures on this site are of birds and animals living in the wild, we also included some action shots of ourselves. Ton Nagtegaal began bird watching in the late 80's, taking us - his twin sons Rob and Ben - with him, the interest for wildlife photography especially birds started years later in 2005. On this site we included several galleries in which we display our pictures, the recent gallery we use only for our latest pictures and is updated regularly, we also included galleries showing bird portraits, birds in flight and pictures made on our trips to other countries. The birds of the world gallery shows all pictures categorized into the different species making it easy to search. All pictures are copyrighted and can not be used in any way without our permission. They are available for publishing or other commercial use by donating a fee. You can contact us by leaving a message in the guestbook. We hope you'll enjoy our photos. Ton, Ben and Rob

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Krabbenetendevos - Crab-eating Fox - Cerdocyon thous
:: Krabbenetendevos - Crab-eating Fox - Cerdocyon thous ::