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Profile for Winter27
Name Winter27 (joined 01-Jan-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username winter27
Location Texas
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View Guestbook : 13 messages. Most recent on 15-May-2009.

Message from Winter27
I am a bit of an internet recluse and so putting my photos on the web is a huge step for me but I dearly love sharing my pictures with my family and friends. Back before digital, my 35mm Cannon and Olympus gear was very sharp... now we've gone to the digital age and I'm back in the class room again, struggling. Thankfully, I have talented and gracious friends, a pro in my father and an encourgaing husband- all who are more than willing to either explain the great digital age to me or cheer me on to keep striving.

Digital photography (as well as computers in general) are still foreign territory for me but the world has taken a path and it's either join or be left behind so I am learning to embrace digital. However, there is something almost too simple about this kind of photography and I miss dark room time. For this reason, the romantic in me still misses the smell of dektol and the red lights of my father's dark room where I grew up watching him print beautiful black and white prints.. with his hands.. and not a computer in site. I still have his enlargers, trays, tongs, platforms and lenses packed away at home hoping some day I'll have a dark room again. My lack of "hands on" with digital makes me a colossal hypocrite: I love the speed of digital and the quality of photos are rising almost daily but it doesn't seem like we're making something with our own hands. Computers do it for us. Maybe one day I'll have a dark room set up and I'll post photos I have taken in the "old fashioned way", the way my father taught me. Until then, I'll hold on to my old gear and try to keep up with this new way of photography.